Investigation of Hydrochemistry Characteristics and Origin of Ions in Ajabshir Plain Coastal Aquifer Using Ionic Ratios and Factor Analysis

Document Type : Research paper


1 Construction & Mining Faculty, Standard Research Institute, Karaj- Iran

2 Construction & Mining Faculty, Standard Research Institute, Karaj, Iran


Ajabashir plain is one of the active farming areas in the northwest of the country, which water needs are supplied from ground water resources. Groundwater often contains compounds of different origin. Determining the origin of water can be effective in managing and adopting measures to protect and exploit water resources in cases, where two or more simultaneous factors are likely to affect the increase of salts. In this research, the chemical composition of water, the processes governing its geochemistry and the sources of salinity of the aquifer of the Ajabshir plain aquifer have been evaluated. In order to distinguish hydrogeochemical characteristics of the aquifer, 27 samples were prepared from groundwater sources and analyzed. All evidence like certain ratios, hydrogeochemical graphs, saturation index and Compound Diagram of ionic ratios (Li+ / Cl-) vs. (Br- / Cl-) indicate the groundwater samples which originate from different sources as different clusters. Based on the results of the present study, likely the saltwater intrusion from the Urmia lake highly likely would be rejected and other factors like cation exchange, saltwater intrusion from the evaporate brines, contemporary playas, and also weathering, leaching of salty-clayey layers from northwest of aquifer adherent to South East of Lake Urmia, and groundwater evaporation at the end of the plain could be the main causes regarding to used techniques. The used model was examined using 4 factors and 17 variables. The results indicated that these factors reported 89 % of the total amount of the subscription. From this amount, 46.35% was explained by factor 1, 25.65% by factor 2, 17% by factor 3, and 11% by factor 4.


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