Application of Entropy Theory in Assessing Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network of Sefiddasht

Document Type : Research paper


1 MSc student of Water Civil Engineering. Islamic Azad University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Shahrekord University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch


Assessing the efficiency of water quality monitoring networks and improving various components of these systems, such as optimal location of monitoring stations, is of particular importance in water resource management systems. The main reason for this is the significant cost of setuping, maintenance and operation of these monitoring networks. So reducing the amount of surplus information can have a significant impact on reducing system costs, without reducing the value and accuracy of the information. In this study, the efficiency of monitoring network of the quality of groundwater resources in the Sefiddasht, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province was evaluated using the discrete entropy theory. For this purpose, the entropy indices, including ITI(i), R(i), S(i) and N(i) were calculated in three different classes of 6, 9 and 12 for 9 stations distributed across Sefiddasht plain. The results showed that the optimum station for groundwater quality in this plain is Safarpour well and the Tahmasebi well and Shadikhar Qanat, while gaining low rank in the network, have a critical situation and their continuation requires a general revision.


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