An Application of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm in Estimating Sediment Suspended Load

Document Type : Research paper


1 Water engineering department of tabriz university

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Water Engineering of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gorgan University


Erosion phenomenon and sediment transition is one the most complex hydrodynamics problems, so simply it is not possible the exact determination of its governing equations. Southeast basins of Urmia lake consist of high sediment production, because of haring special hydrologic conditions. The purpose of this research is to use and compare of imperialist competitive and genetic algorithms in estimating of daily sediment suspended load in Zarrineh rood river. For this aim, the daily discharge data and sediment suspended load of the sedimentary station in Zarrineh rood river wase used for 2007 and 2013 years. The results of two purposed methods were compared with actual sediment values. The results of validity of the simulation with ICA model show that RMSE in testing sample for ICA and GA algorithms are 237 and 229, respectively. Also, R2 of validity for ICA and GA has been 0.889 and 0.835, respectively. The results of this study indicate flexibility, ability and high accuracy of the ICA compared with genetic algorithm (GA) is good.


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