Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Barug Aquifer Using Sugeno and Mamadani Fuzzy Models

Document Type : Research paper


1 M.S.c in Hydrogeology, Faculty of Science, Urmia University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Urmia University,Iran

3 Assosiat Professor, Faculty of Science, Tabriz University, Tabriz

4 Hydrology Ph.d student, natural sciences department, university of Tabriz, Tabriz


       Groundwater system is a complex and heterogeneous system and estimation of hydrogeological parameters with classical methods such as laboratory methods, slug test, tracing and pumping tests are associated with inherent uncertainties and are costly and time consuming. Therefore, artificial intelligence methods have been used to hydraulic conductivity estimation, can reduce the uncertainty of this variable and increase the accuracy of calculation for overcoming to defects of classical methods. In the meantime, the optimal management of this demand and the prevention of aquifers destruction and groundwater resources, requires the accurate recognition of hydrodynamic parameters. In this study, Sugeno fuzzy logic (SFL) and Mamdani fuzzy logic (MFL models) were used to hydraulic conductivity estimation of the Barug aquifer. In this regard, the data of electrical conductivity (EC), saturation zone thickness (B) and transverse aquifer resistance (RT) were used as input data of the model. Finally, in order to obtain the most ideal model, the RMSE and R2 were calculated for both models and the two models were compared. The results indicate that Sageno fuzzy model had a better performance with coefficient function and root mean square error being receptively R2=0.94 and RMSE=0.045 in comparison with mamdani model for estimating hydraulic conductivity.


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