studying the Performance of the Modflow Conceptual Model, and Meta Simulator Model of Gene Expression in Hydrograph Modeling of Aquifer(Case Study: Lour_Andimeshk Plain)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Water Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.

2 MSC. of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah.

3 Associate Professor, Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran.

4 Assistant Professor of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah.


      In order to apply a proper management, it is necessary to identify the groundwater level in the plains for a long-term planning and use the potentials in the water plains more efficiently. In this study, the monthly statistical information for the 5 water years (1388-1289 to 1392-1393) related to the water levels of 8 piezometer in the Lour-Andimeshk plain aquifer was used. At first using the tiessen method, the average weight of each piezometer was obtained and the time series of the major plain, which represented the hydrograph of the aquifer of the study area, was calculated. Then using, the conceptual  groundwater model of Modflow and the simulator Meta model of the gene expression, the hydrograph of the aquifer unit was modeled and the results were compared. The results showed that the conceptual model of Modflow with an explanation coefficient of 0.7836 in the testing phase compared to the transmutation of gene expression with an explanation coefficient of 0.739 with a very slight difference has a better performance.


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