Application of Hydrologeochemical and Isotopic Techniques for Better Understanding of Water Resources Characteristics in Paveh and Javanrud Study Areas, Kermanshah

Document Type : Research paper


1 Assiciate Professor and head Chair of Groundwater and Geothermal Research Center (GRC)/Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 MSc Student of Hydrogeology and GRC member, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Effective management of water resources includes the recognition and evaluation of influential parameters on quality and quantity of water. The current work aim to evaluate the hydrochemical and isotopic features of the most important water resources located in Paveh and Javanrud, which are parts of Kermanshah province and are near the vicinity of Iran-Iraq border. The study was conducted by sampling from water resources through two distinct periods including wet season (December 2014) and dry season (October 2015) and totally 34 water samples including groundwater (spring, well, and cave) and surface water (i.e., rivers) were taken. By applying various techniques (Piper, Gibbs model, ionic ratios, complex curves, and Principal Component Analysis -PCA) and isotopic content evaluation, it was found that Bisotun limestones and Ilam-Sarvak formations affected the water resources’ chemical contents and the water hydrochemical type was dominantly Bicarbonate-Calcic. The quality of the studied areas’ water resources was affected by the geology (water and rock interaction). Investigation of water resources’ isotopic ratios and its comparison with Paveh meteoric water line (PMWL) indicated three categories of water resources: the first group, due to isotopic depletion of water was recharged from elevated areas (mountains) during the cold seasons and karstic water had low residence time because of rapid movement of water (through conduit system). The second group was characterized by more isotopic enrichment and long residence time than the first group, and hence in addition to precipitation, the groundwater mixing affected them. The third group (rievers) is more enriched due to evaporation. The mean elevation of all karstic resources had a good agreement with the elevations of the karstic sinkholes in the region.


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