Site Selection and Prioritizing the Subsurface Dam Construction Axis Using Decision Support System (DSS), (Case Study: Daryan and Heris Catchments)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Ph.D. of Irrigation and drainage, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

2 Assistant professor of water engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


      Due to world's water resources ubdesirable distribution both temporaly and spatialy development and management of these resources in arid and semi-arid regions such as Iran are necessary. In this way, site selection and construction of subsurface dam are managerial solutions that obstruct and storage the underground flow to water supply during dry seasons. In this study, a decision support system was developed in three steps to find the suitable sites of subsurface dam construction in Shabestar region. Firstly inappropriate areas were eliminated using omissive criteria and potentially suitable areas were identified, then straits and outlet points of axis in suitable areaswere specified as dam axes sites (53 axes in 8 stream) and the best axis of each stream was selected. Finally, a tree structure form of main criteria and their sub-criteria were defined to evaluate and prioritize the 8 selected axes using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and computing Final Suitability Index (F.S.I). Axis with high value of FSI are preferred to others. This third axis with suitability index of 0.299 located in Meshnagh-Chay seasonal stream was selected as the best site for subsurface dam construction.


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