An Investigation on Physical, Chemical and Microbial Quality of Swimming Pools in Meshkin Shahr Hot Springs

Document Type : Research paper


1 MSc Student of Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, Azad University of Ahar

2 Associate Professor of Microbiology, Department of Biology, University of Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, Azad University of Ahar


    According to sanitation standards, swimming pools water like drinking water should have acceptable physicochemical and microbial qualifications. This survey was conducted to investigate physicochemical and microbial qualities of hot spring pools in Meshkin Shahr, Ardabil Province in 2014-2015.In this cross-sectional study, 52 samples were taken from mineral hot springs in Meshkin Shahr (Gheynarcheh and Moeil) from Sep 2014 to Aug 2015. The physicochemical parameters including temperature, pH, EC, hardness, alkalinity and residual chlorine and microbial parameters such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, total coliform, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci were determined by the standard methods.None of the measured physico-chemical parameters complied with the standards. Total coliform, fecal coliform and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 88.46%, 73.07% and 53.84% of the samples were respectively above the standard rates. Fecal streptococci were observed in 3.85% of the samples.According to this study results there is a need to monitor water quality to increase swimmers awareness of the risks to prevent the transmission of certain diseases.


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