Estimation of Well Field by using Fuzzy Logic in Damghan Plain, Iran

Document Type : Research paper


1 Islamic Azad University (IAU), Dmavand

2 Professor of Tehran University (retired); Professor of Department of Fisheries, Marine Science and Technology, North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor



Water importance is obvious for each country especially for those which are located in arid and semi-arid regions. Water Shortage causes significant pollution and other continuous problems. Recently, groundwater as a main resource of fresh water, has been withdrawn more than the authorized limitation; Damghan Plain is located in south of Alborz mountains, and these days it is faced with serious water table drawdown. This research has been carried out to estimate appropriate well field in order to preserve water table from drawdown. By using Fuzzy Logic in three regions with different drawdowns of water table three models have been made. In each model inputs are hydraulic conductivity (K) and water table drawdown (D), and output is well field (R). The results show that in the first model with low drawdown of water table (0.5 m per year) the well field is about 285 m, in the second model with moderate drawdown of water table (3.5 m per year) the well field is about 371 m and in the third model with drawdown more than 3.5 m per year the well field is obtained about 457 m. It is implied that these well fields may prevent water table from extra drawdown.
