Estimating of the hydraulic parameters of aquifers using geo-electrical method (Case study: Chahardoli Plain, Kurdistan)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Ph.D, Water Engineering Group, Faculty o Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan.

2 Water Resources Engineering M.Sc., Faculty o Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan.

3 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering M.Sc., Faculty o Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan.



Knowledge of hydraulic parameters is certainly important for groundwater resources management and development. Geoelectrical method is one of the newest methods with acceptable accuracy and low cost. It can play an important role in determining these parameters. In the present study, 100 vertical electrical sounding (VES) were carried out using the Schlumberger electrode configuration to determine the status of Chahardoli plain, located in Kurdistan province. Pumping test data prepared by Kurdistan Regional Water Authority, were analyzed to determine hydraulic parameters. The number of 28 VES points were chosen based on their locations to determine aquifer hydraulic parameters. After interpreting the VES points using IPI2Win software, thickness and electrical resistivity of the subsurface layers, as well as transverse resistance and modified transverse resistance were determined. Hydraulic parameters are estimated using geoelectrical method on the basis of calculations given by Sri Niwas and Singhal. The present studies show that the values of Kσ^' remain fairly constant in 3 independent lithostratigraphic units within the study area. As Singhal and Sri Niwas noted, it is possible to estimate hydraulic coefficients according to the zoning of the region. The results of geo-electric method were compared with the results of Step-Drawdown test. The t-test results indicate that Transmissivity values in both geo-electrical method and Step-Drawdown test have no significant difference. Correlation of the Transmissivity and modified transverse resistance revealed a direct relationship (with a correlation coefficient above 8.5) which indicates an acceptable accuracy of the experiments in the study area and it also confirms previous studies of Singhal and Sri Nivas.
