Suggested solutions for sustainable management of groundwater at the national level

Document Type : Research paper


1 PhD student

2 Department of Applied Geology, Faculty of Earth Science, Kharazmi University



Groundwater is a vital resource for meeting water needs. In recent years, with increasing population growth and demand for water, climate change and associated droughts have led to indiscriminate extraction of groundwater and a decline in the quantity and quality of this precious resource on a global scale. With the growing recognition of the interdependence of water and development, sustainable groundwater management at the national level is necessary to address threats such as water, food and energy scarcity, loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, and most importantly, reduction in human security. Therefore, with regard to the water crisis in the country, this research presents proposed solutions to improve the current management status in the country by modelling and utilizing successful experiences of pioneer countries in the field of sustainable groundwater management such as India and USA (Arizona and California) as they have critical groundwater situation similar to Iran. Therefore, in order to manage groundwater sustainably, it is necessary to understand the issues and problems arising in this field and this will be achieved by drawing the intertwined cycle of the dynamic and complex groundwater system as a collaborative approach among operators, managers, specialists and technical experts, legislators, policymakers and local people. Such recognition requires network thinking and taking into account all the relationships within the components of the water subsystems (natural, technical, socio-cultural, economic and legal), as well as sharing transparent and reliable data with activists, capacity building, creating a platform for more cooperation between the relevant institutions, legislation, policies and implementation by the organizations involved.


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