Identification of promising areas for geothermal energy using satellite data in Sabalan region

Document Type : Research paper


1 - Professor, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Student in RS & GIS, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

3 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran



Areas with geothermal potential naturally have evidence on the surface of the earth, which is used in geothermal energy exploration projects for the initial location of these areas. The purpose of this research is to identify areas a surface geothermal energy potential by combining surface temperature and energy flows obtained the sebal algorithm using the thermal data of the landsat 8 TIRS sensor in the sablan area of ardabil, located in the northwest of the country. For this purpose and to minimize the effect of solar radiation, a one image from Landsat 8 data on June 23, 2021 was used and using SCJM&S single channel(Jiménez & Sobrino) and split window algorithm, the temperature map of land surface observations was determined. Also, the amount of net radiation received by the earth's surface (Rn), the amount of net energy directed to the earth (G) and the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the surface (Rsolar) have been calculated using the energy balance algorithm on the earth's surface (Sebal). By combining these layers of information with surface temperature observations map, the potential areas of geothermal energy were identified and determined. The results showed that there are areas in the cities of ardabil, sareyn and meshgin shahr that have geothermal energy potential and the existence of a natural hot spring in the city of meshgin shahr and sareyn has increased the probability of the existence of geothermal resources and it confirms that the studied area has a high potential for the exploration of geothermal resources.


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