Evaluation of artificial recharge project efficiency for groundwater recovery with mathematical modeling (A case study on Firuraq of Khoy Plain in West Azerbaijan province)

Document Type : Research paper


1 MS student, Water engineering; Water structures, Urmia University

2 Associate professor of the Water Engineering Department, Urmia University Urmia - IRAN.

3 Professor and Faculty Member of water department in Urmia University, PhD in Water structures, Urmia university

4 Ph.D. in Water Resources, Regional water authority, East Azarbaijan



The insufficiency of surface water, over-draft from groundwater, and decreasing rainfall have brought about the water table of aquifers’ drop. The largest artificial recharge project (large percolation basins) in the northwest of the country was implemented in the Firuraq region in Khoy Plain. For simulating the effects of this project on the restoration of Khoy plain the MODFLOW code in the GMS software package is used. Calibration of the model in the stable and the transient state was done in September and October 2011 to September 2012, respectively, and validated during the 2012-2013 water year. The results showed that the number of coefficients of determination(R2) and normalized root mean square (NRMS) were 0.99 and 0.83%, for the verification period respectively; these figures indicate a good performance of the model. The sensitivity analysis of the simulated model showed that the most sensitive of the model was related to hydraulic conductivity and the aquifer's specific yield parameters. In order to show the effects of changes in water management of the region 5 scenarios of changing the amount of water withdrawal and increasing the extraction from exploitation wells of the studied area were tested. The results of the scenarios illustrated that artificial recharge had positive effects on the downstream recharging area in the Firuraq aquifer. Moreover, the lack of artificial recharge and increase in exploitation led groundwater level to decline by 1.67-3.13 meters, as the volume of withdrawal increased the groundwater level rose 0.5-1.03 m.


Main Subjects

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