Application of fuzzy hierarchical analysis process in groundwater potential mapping (Case study: Silakhor plain)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Iran

2 Civil Engineering, Water Engineering and Hydraulic Structures of Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Iran


Application of fuzzy hierarchical analysis process in groundwater potential mapping (Case study: Silakhor plain)


Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources that guarantees human health, economic development and environmental diversity. It is essential to identify new sources for the sustainable development of this resource due to increasing demand for water. Hence, the potential mapping and exploration of groundwater resources have become a breakthrough in the field of hydrogeological research. In this study, potential groundwater potential areas in Silakhor plain were mapped using fuzzy hierarchical analysis process and GIS. Eleven thematic layers including layers of lithology, rainfall, vegetation cover, lineament density and distance, elevation, slope, land surface temperature, land use and drainage density and distance were prepared based on satellite image processing and statistical data. Each layer and its classes were assigned a weight based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Groundwater resource potential map was classified into five classes including high, good, medium, low and poor potential. Accordingly, 56% of the plain area has high to medium potential, mostly located in the central and southwest of the plain, consistent with quaternary alluviums and carbonate hard rocks. Validation was done by the number and location of wells in the area and it was found that 89% of the wells were located in areas with moderate to high groundwater potential. Therefore, using the fuzzy hierarchical analysis process is an effective and reliable way to identify areas with groundwater potential that can be used to develop and manage groundwater resources.

Keywords: Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP), Groundwater, Potential, Silakhor plain
