Evaluation of the Relationship between Natural Factors and Subsidence in Ivanaki Plain Using Radar Imaging

Document Type : Technical note


1 Faculty member, Department of Social Sciences (Geography), Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Geomorphology, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Studend of Geomorphologhy, Ferdosi University, Mashhad, Iran

4 M.Sc. Hydrogeomorphology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Soil subsidence is one of the dangers facing many Iranian plains. In the meantime, the plains of Semnan province, including the Ivanaki plain, are at risk. Due to the importance of the subject, in this study, the rate of subsidence of Ivanaki plain and its effective factors are analyzed. In this research, the descriptive-analytical method was used. The survey data included radar and satellite imagery, statistical information, and a 30-m digital elevation model. The method is first to evaluate the geomorphology, land use and groundwater status of the Ivanaki Plain, and then, using Sentinel 1 radar image and SBAS time series method, the amount of subsidence is calculated. Surveys show that natural factors, including trends and trends in anomalies, have played a major role in shaping climate and water resource constraints, and restricting access to water causes the excessive use of groundwater and severe surface depletion. The results of calculating the groundwater level in the area show that the average of the study wells falls between 1372 and 1394 years between 0/85 to 2/01 cm per year. Also, the results of the assessment of the area's subsidence indicate that the range of studies over the 3-year period (from 2016/01/06 to 2018/12/21) decreased between -0.9 to -33.2 cm. Most of the subsidence has been in the center of the plain of Ivanaki, near the village of Cheshmeh Nadi.


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