Evaluation of Hashtgerd aquifer groundwater quality using fuzzy method

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Water Engineering and Sciences, SRBIAU, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student of Water Resources, Department of Water engineering and Sciences, SRBIAU, Tehran, Iran.

3 University of Tehran


Classification and identification of groundwater quality is an essential task for meeting the goals of water resources management. Traditional classification methods of the water quality parameters use crisp set with prescribed limits of various organizations. One of the decision making problems about water quality using methods is facing various uncertainties from sampeling to analysis of results. On the other hand, prescribed limits of each organization have uncertainties; because these values had obtained from extrapolation of test data that has been done in case study. Recent years have proven fuzzy-logic-based methods capability controlling uncertainties in different environmental problems. The present study utilized a newly devised Mamdani fuzzy inference system to assess groundwater quality in Yazd province. This method made use of 10 measured chemical parameters in 28 samples of groundwater. These parameters categorized in three groups based on their importance in water quality to drinking porpuses. Then, these groups were combined based on fuzzy “IF – THEN” rules and final water quality was determined. The results showed that 18 groundwater samples were in the “Desirable” class with a certainty level of 34-100%, and 7 samples were in the “Acceptable” group with a certainty level of 45-95%, and 3 samples were in the “Non-acceptable” category with a certainty level of 76-92% for potable purposes. In the evaluation method of Mamdani fuzzy inference system, not only the quality of drinking water is divided into three desirable, acceptable and unacceptable groups, but also the final quality of groundwater can be decided. In addition, the level of confidence for each group can be calculated.
