Investigation of Groundwater Monitoring System in Iran and Selected Countries and Pathology Based on it

Document Type : Research paper


Department of Water Resources Research, Water Research Institute (WRI)


Monitoring is a Supervisory process with a scientific and dynamic design based on observation, inventory, measurement and data recording, to identify the quantitative and qualitative water resources for planning and managing water resources. Long-term monitoring without evaluation, pathology, and optimization processes leads to poor management of output data, the inefficiency of the system, and increased monitoring costs. One of the essential steps in the evaluation of the monitoring networks is to determine the state of their measurement parameters and their frequency according to the purpose of the monitoring network. Hence, based on the evaluation of information needs, especially in the basic groundwater studies and groundwater balance calculations, this paper evaluates the groundwater monitoring network in Iran. This assessment has been carried out by comparing the network of groundwater monitoring in our country with the monitoring network in some countries of the world with a different degree of development. Finally, after the evaluation of the present monitoring network, considering the global experiences and comparing them with the current situation in Iran, Suggestions in four areas: management of groundwater monitoring network information through full understanding of network information needs, design, deployment and implementation of integrated water information management system and upgrading of equipment and technologies in line with world standards; 2) Manage through Recruit capable human resources appropriate to equipment installation, data collection and transfer, data recording and processing along with motivating human resources and enhancing public participation approaches; 3) Managing organizational structure in the country; and 4) Managing finances through in order to implement the optimal monitoring network in the country, is presented.


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