Assessment of groundwater resources management solutions by finite element in numerical simulation

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Irrigation and Drainage, College of Aburihan, University of Tehran

2 Department of Irrigation and Drainage, College of Aburaihan, University of Terhran

3 Department of Water resources research, Water research institute, Ministry of energy, Tehran, Iran


Todays based on limited Water Resources, growth of population and industrial development has caused to be taken on the optimal use of groundwater resources. On the other hand, construction of underground dam does not need to surface water storage, land use and ecosystems changing. By using groundwater model, the fluctuation of groundwater levels in aquifer is simulated and predicted against various conditions such as underground dam. This study is to investigation of the future status of the Eyvanki aquifer and its reaction against various management scenarios were used by FEFLOW software. Moreover, for aquifers with limited area, finite element method could be more effective because of considering small grid size. Actually, the grid size of network in finite element method shape on as small triangle, so groundwater flow would be simulated with more details in each cell. In this study, to investigation of the subsurface dams effects on the hydrodynamic behavior of the aquifer as a main scenario, define three management scenarios and their effects were studied along with the implementation of an underground dam. Auxiliary scenarios involves perform artificial feeding; reduced utilization was 10% and 20%. The results showed that the construction of an underground barrier along with 20 percent reduction utilization, on average about 2/53 meters to the aquifer water are added. In addition, the result of this study would proposed that in aquifers faced with decreasing groundwater level specially in arid or semiarid regions, construction of underground dam is more effective solution to avoid owing to an ongoing.


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