The Impact of Construction on the Discharge of Sareen Spa Springs Using Numerical Analysis and Zoning Map

Document Type : Research paper


1 department of civil eng., Islamic azad university, tabriz branch

2 Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of civil engineering, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran

4 MSc, Manager of Omran Takamol Kav Company


The purpose of the present study was to identify the irrigation canals of the spring springs in the city of Sarein and the impact of construction on the hot springs. In this regard, field studies were carried out based on geophysical experiments in the area with geoelectric and ground-penetrating radar devices and hot water mapping was prepared. Based on the results of these experiments, the hot-water trajectory penetrates the ground surface through vertical disruptions at elevated depths through vertical aquifers at specific depths, causing source springs to form. To determine resistivity parameters, soil type and depth of soil, two log wells were drilled at 25 and 30 m depths and groundwater level at 1.5 m depth. For numerical modeling of three modes without building and land alone, the building is present in 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 stories at 10 to 210 m intervals with 10 m incremental step in static and dynamic modes. The analysis was done. For dynamical analysis, the Turkmanchai earthquake mapping was used and the analysis was performed in Plexis software. The dead and live loads are based on hotel-use buildings. Based on the results above, up to 70 m in the zoned map of the report indicated in red, construction was not permitted and within 80 m of the red border edge, shown in brown Given, it was detected for buildings up to 5 floors and 50 meters later for 10 floors and 30 meters later for 15 floors and then up to 20 floors.


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