Carstification potential in carbonate rocks (Case study Asmari formation- southwest of Iran)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Assistant Professor, Earth science, Basic science, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Associated Professor, Engineering geology department, Basic science faculty, Tarbiat modares university, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Engineering Geology department, Basic science faculty, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran, Iran.


All of the engineering structures construct on the ground, thus it is necessary to investigate and evaluate the geological engineering characteristics and probable geo hazard like karstifiaction potential of the construction sites. Hydraulic structures are from this structures that because of their immediately relation to the ground, the importance of this investigation is more noticeable. The constructed hydro structure on the carbonate rocks maybe confront to damage because of solution, enlarging and spreading of joints. This phenomenon may led to karstification and large seepage amount of water from foundation and inefficiency of dam. This article discusses about the rate of extension of the joints in different velocity and temperature regard to their original opening. The evaluation is obtained by experimental tests on rock cores of Khersan1 dam site. The results show that there are many factors that affect joint behavior against water flow; these factors are primary opening of joints, flow velocity, temperature, acidity and etc. In this research behavior of the joints with different opening in different temperature has been evaluated. The results show direct relation between extension of the joints and decreasing of the temperature and indirect relation between joint extension and their primary opening. Also the results show that filling and washing out of the joints in identical condition is controlled by flow velocity and their primary opening as the joint with opening of 0.3 mm shows washing out and filling against high and low velocity respectively.
Key words: Asmari formation, Carstification, carbonate rock, joint, solubility


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